
Vintage Czech sample card metallic lustre atlas bugle and 3 cut seed glass beads

Vintage Czech sample card metallic lustre atlas bugle and 3 cut seed glass beads
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SKU: 1772-10
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Vintage Czech glass bugle and seed bead part sample card. This is a part section of a larger card which showed the entire range of bugle and seed beads available. For some reason, the remainder of the card has been removed. This section has 20 examples of metallic bugle, black bugle, lustre bugle, satin bugle and 6 examples of metallic and peacock iris 3 cut seed glass beads. The beads are in excellent condition, the card not. Around 490 beads in total

Size: 2 - 7mm approx
Material: Vintage glass. 
Origin: N. Bohemia / Czech
Year: Vintage cca. 1950's 
Condition: Beads excellent

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